The Contest, held in the framework of execution of works on the topic: “maintenance and expansion of the system to ensure new information technologies participants of the Federal target program “Research and development on priority directions of development of scientific-technological complex of Russia for 2014 – 2020”, Russian Research Center Applied Chemistry (GIPH) 2017 license open access international databases and indexes science citation Web of Science.
Brief description: Web of Science – search platform that combines a database of refereed publications in scientific journals and patents, including base, taking into account the mutual citation of publications developed and originally provided by Thomson Reuters, and then Clarivate Analytics.
Terms of access: access is by link Please note that the platform is available not only on the territory of Russian Research Center Applied Chemistry (GIPH), but also in any point of Russia, subject to periodic (at least 1 time per year) login from the home range of IP-addresses. After individual registration on the portal, individual settings of personal access are available, including the Russian-language interface.
The following resources are available to Russian Research Center Applied Chemistry (GIPH):
In addition to information resources, the EndNote-online automatic citation tool is available (login/password are the same as when registering in WoS) to work with the bibliography, as well as the ResearcherID и ORCID community of researchers. Access to these resources is individual (by registration) and does not depend on the IP-address and has no time limits. All these resources are interrelated and can be automatically supplemented with the necessary information (or not to do so) in accordance with personal settings.
Clarivate Analytics conducts regular online training seminars to improve the skills of users across all the resources provided.
As part of the competition for licensed access to international databases of scientific citation indices for Russian Research Center Applied Chemistry (GIPH) open access to the bibliographic full-text database Scopus.
Brief description: Scopus is the largest unified database of abstracts and citations of peer-reviewed scientific literature with built-in tools for monitoring, analysis and visualization of research data. Indexes more than 21,000 titles of scientific, technical and medical journals of about 5,000 international publishers in all fields of science. Developed and provided by Elsevier.
Scopus also indexes:
Scopus contains more than 50 million records:
Access conditions: access to the platform is the link Please note that the platform is only available in Russian Research Center Applied Chemistry (GIPH) (identification by IP address).
Since 2019, it has become possible to obtain remote access to Scopus databases upon registration on the resource with an electronic address belonging to the domain of Russian Research Center Applied Chemistry (GIPH) ( To obtain remote access and its settings, contact the Scientific Council of Russian Research Center Applied Chemistry (GIPH).
As part of the project implemented by the Russian Foundation for basic research (RFBR), the local network of the Russian research center in 2018 has access to the resources of the publishing house Elsevier on the ScienceDirect platform for 2014-2018. The subscription includes access to magazine content and Freedom’s full-text book collection.
ScienceDirect is Elsevier’s peer-reviewed scientific literature information platform for scientists, containing more than 15 million publications from 2,500 Elsevier scientific journals and prestigious scientific communities. In addition to journals, the Center has access to 5,000 Elsevier books that reflect the results and methodology of multidisciplinary research in 24 subject areas.
Terms of access: access is by link, the platform is available only on the territory of Russian Research Center Applied Chemistry (GIPH) (identification by IP addresses).
In addition to information resources, Mendeley citation tool is available for bibliography.
Within the framework of the project implemented by the Russian Foundation for basic research (RFBR) with the participation of the State public library for science and technology, the following Springer Nature resources have been available in the local network of the Russian research center since 2018:
Seminary regular training and webinars allow you to be aware of modern trends and the latest achievements of science and technology. Certificates of seminars on the use of scientific knowledge bases in everyday work are taken into account in the certification of applicants, graduate students and researchers.
Also available interlibrary loan at Kapitolovo, GIPH, k. 152, office 212A Department of scientific and technical information.
41, Voronezhskaya str., Perm, Perm Krai, 614034, Russia
Reception: phone +7 (342) 206 11 60