Laboratory is a structural division of JSC RSC Applied Chemistry (GIPH). The Laboratory tests substances and materials for compliance with national, interstate, international standards and other ND, serving the needs of St. Petersburg and various regions of Russian Federation in the sphere of product testing.
TL LTCP is the main testing laboratory in Russia for quality control of mineral fertilizers, refrigerants, rocket fuel components, and chemical reagents.
The Laboratory is accredited by the Federal Service for Accreditation for product testing in accordance with the scope of accreditation. Certificate of accreditation No. ROSS RU. 0001. 21HP38.
In addition to analyzing products and environmental objects, the Laboratory conducts research on the decoding of organic and inorganic mixtures by chromatography-mass spectrometry, gas and liquid chromatography, infrared spectrometry, atomic emission and atomic absorption spectrometry, performs work on the identification of organic pollutants in environmental objects, develops new methods of chemical analysis, and provides consulting services in the sphere of analytical chemistry.
Attention! If you intend to purchase methods for analyzing components that fall into the “Restrictive Lists” approved by the Government of Russian Federation, non-residents of RF must obtain permission from the Federal Service for Technical and Expert Control in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of RF.
Address: 26A Krylenko str., St. Petersburg, 193232, Russian Federation
Head of Laboratory: Michael Reyngevertz
Deputy head of the laboratory: Yuri Vilpan
41, Voronezhskaya str., Perm, Perm Krai, 614034, Russia
Reception: phone +7 (342) 206 11 60