Crystal scintillation detectors of ionizing radiation based on lithium 6-iodide activated by europium are designed for neutron registration and spectrometry, for measuring the natural and technological enhanced background of neutron radiation. The detector is a transparent single crystal with a cloudy blue or green tint, packed in aluminum or duralumin sealed container, equipped with a glass window.
They are used in space, experimental nuclear physics and reactor physics research, as well as in research works on the creation of radioisotope equipment (field radioisotope density meters-moisture meters, neutron absorption separators of boron ores, etc.).
►Fluoropolymer films
►Solid oxygen sources
►Dielectrics-heat carriers
►Oils and lubricants
►Cooling fluids (antifreeze and heat carriers)
►Raw materials in organic synthesis
►Additives for metallurgical production
►Deuterated compositions
►Regular GIPH nozzle
►Solvent (carbon tetrachloride)
►Radiation monitoring detectors
41, Voronezhskaya str., Perm, Perm Krai, 614034, Russia
Reception: phone +7 (342) 206 11 60