Russian Research Center Applied Chemistry (GIPH) JSC is a unique enterprise, the development of which is aimed at providing the most important industries: chemical, refrigeration, medical, electronic, agro-industrial complex and others. The center cooperates with leading foreign chemical companies, has contracts for research, design and construction of chemical industries. Work is done in collaboration with the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Russian Federation, State Corporation Rostech, the Ministry of Industry and Trade, on the following key areas:

  • Chemistry and technology of fluorine-containing compounds, basic and delicate organic synthesis, membranes, sorbents and catalysts of technological and ecological destination, especially pure substances, chemistry of high temperature and pressure, chemical gas dynamics, laser chemistry, photochemistry
  • Composite and polymeric materials, isotopomeres disperse products
  • Development of technologies, projection of chemical productions, manufacture of equipment and pilot plants, engineering
  • Informatics in chemical science and technology, marketing, manufacture of high-tech chemical products, training of highly skilled scientific personnel

   Russian Research Center Applied Chemistry (GIPH) JSC is а part of State Corporation Rostec.

   JSC RRC Applied Chemistry (GIPH) is the legal successor of FSUE RRC Applied Chemistry. On the basis of which all rights and obligations are transferred to JSC RRC Applied Chemistry (GIPH)  to the extent and under the conditions that existed at FSUE RRC Applied Chemistry at the time of the transfer of rights and obligations.

   RRC Applied Chemistry (GIPH) is a member of the Association of state research centers of Russia

   RRC Applied Chemistry (GIPH) takes part in the implementation of Federal target programs:

  • «Research and development in priority areas of scientific and technological complex of Russia for 2014-2020»
  • «Scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel of innovative Russia for 2014-2020»
  • «Development of the pharmaceutical and medical industry of the Russian Federation until 2020 and beyond»
  • «Development of the military-industrial complex of the Russian Federation for 2011-2020»
  • «Decrease in risks and softening of consequences of emergency situations of natural and technogenic character in the Russian Federation»;
  •  etc